Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Making the Worst List

Last night on my way out, I got my ego smacked down a bit.

Our agency does a thing called 4 great 1 bad. It's a review with our chief creative on each teams' recent work. We choose 4 great pieces and brag about them, the people who worked on them get to present its all great and a good way to impress your bosses and we choose the worst recent piece to show and the CD explains what went horribly, horribly wrong.

The very first project/campaign I ever worked on for my agency is our 1 bad.

I knew it was going to be, the client dictated the art direction to match a campaign for another aspect of it's business (that we don't work on). But I had gotten them to buy off on a really great headline and body copy for the first piece.

Problem is, they loved it so much they used the same headline and same copy on all 15 executions. Did I mention they used the same lay-out.

Obviously, this is a case of the client overstepping its bounds and not listening to us.

But still, nothing like being told the first ad you worked on for your agency is the worst one your teams done in recent memory.


  1. Hey look on the bright side. It was your FIRST one, you can only go up from there.

  2. Don't worry it could be worse. The client could turn everything into a bad campaign.

  3. your work was so good it was bad? Even when you're bad you are, like, totally awesome.
